Dear Members and Friends of DECC!
New year, new possibilities! The Danish-Estonian Chamber is starting out fast - already on Monday, 18.01.2021 is our first event in cooperation with FICE. It will be an interesting 45-minutes online meeting with the Prime Minister Jüri Ratas. You are very welcome to send your questions to the Prime Minister in advance by e-mail to Anneli on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than Monday, 11 January at 09.00 in the morning.
Our Christmas Party was cancelled this time, but it didn’t stop the Christmas spirit spreading in Estonia, none the least by our good member Von Stackelberg Hotel that delivered more than 50 portions of takeaway Danish Christmas food. In this connection, I would like to express my warmest thanks to our sponsors who ensured that extra Christmas presents are on the way to 6 lucky lottery winners!
The Foreign Investors Council in Estonia (FICE) is preparing a new business survey and DECC as a member of FICE will send it out to all our members. I will encourage You all to take 5 min to complete the survey once we have sent it out – it is a very important tool for the future work of FICE, giving You, our members, a unique opportunity to have influence on the government level in Estonia.
I look forward to seeing You all again once this is possible, and in the meantime, I wish You all a successful year 2021. Please stay negative while keeping a positive and healthy mind!
Best regards
Peter Thomsen
Chairman of the Council
Danish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce