Seminar for Executive Women: "The Power of Personal Brand"
The Power of Personal Brand
Many women believe that they are recognised by being the best worker but that is not the reality. Women must take control and carefully plan, by profiling themselves and to get to know people who can help them strategize their career. To get the visibility one needs to meet the career goals, personal branding and self-promotion are necessary.
But most people don't brag well, coming off as self-congratulatory, egocentric or downright annoying. During this seminar we would like to find out which would be the right way to brag leaving people (clients, employees, bosses, etc) wanting to know more about you rather than less.
The speakers will be: Lenita Airisto, one of the most influential business women in Finland, former top model and TV journalist; Immaculee Uwanyiligira, Ambassador of Rwanda; Marianne Mikko, MP; Jana Tool, entrepreneur; Aave Hannus, psychologist.
Moderator: Celia Kuningas, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
NB! The speeches of Lenita Airisto and Immaculee Uwanyiligira will be in English, other speeches will be in Estonian! More information about the exact program find out from the MyConference's website.
Participation conditions: fee while registering prior to Jan 25th 39€ + VAT, later registrations 49€ + VAT. Direct registration click here.
- Clarion Hotel Europa - Website
- Street: Paadi 5
- ZIP: 10151
- City: Tallinn 2012-02-14 09:15:00 2012-02-14 00:00:00 Europe/Tallinn Seminar for Executive Women: "The Power of Personal Brand"
The Power of Personal Brand
Many women believe that they are recognised by being the best worker but that is not the reality. Women must take control and carefully plan, by profiling themselves and to get to know people who can help them strategize their career. To get the visibility one needs to meet the career goals, personal branding and self-promotion are necessary.
But most people don't brag well, coming off as self-congratulatory, egocentric or downright annoying. During this seminar we would like to find out which would be the right way to brag leaving people (clients, employees, bosses, etc) wanting to know more about you rather than less.
The speakers will be: Lenita Airisto, one of the most influential business women in Finland, former top model and TV journalist; Immaculee Uwanyiligira, Ambassador of Rwanda; Marianne Mikko, MP; Jana Tool, entrepreneur; Aave Hannus, psychologist.
Moderator: Celia Kuningas, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
NB! The speeches of Lenita Airisto and Immaculee Uwanyiligira will be in English, other speeches will be in Estonian! More information about the exact program find out from the MyConference's website.
Participation conditions: fee while registering prior to Jan 25th 39€ + VAT, later registrations 49€ + VAT. Direct registration click here.
Clarion Hotel Europa Marek