
Investors' Summit 2011 - The Future of Estonian Labor Market: Education vs Business Needs

14.10.2011 | 09:00
Radisson Blu hotel - Tallinn


This year our focus goes on the future of the Estonian labor market and education vs. business needs. The Key Note Speaker is Mr. Jaak Aaviksoo, Minister of Education and other speakers represent different international companies in Estonia. Event is moderated by Andrus Alber, NASDAQ OMX.


Participation fee: 10 euro per DECC member, 30 euro per non member
Date: October 14, 2011 at 09:00-13:00
Place: Radisson Blue hotel, Tallinn (Rävala 3)
Registration: open till October 9
For registration click here to fill in the application


  1. Radisson Blu hotel
  2. City: Tallinn
  3. 2011-10-14 09:00:00 2011-10-14 00:00:00 Europe/Tallinn Investors' Summit 2011 - The Future of Estonian Labor Market: Education vs Business Needs

    This year our focus goes on the future of the Estonian labor market and education vs. business needs. The Key Note Speaker is Mr. Jaak Aaviksoo, Minister of Education and other speakers represent different international companies in Estonia. Event is moderated by Andrus Alber, NASDAQ OMX.


    Participation fee: 10 euro per DECC member, 30 euro per non member
    Date: October 14, 2011 at 09:00-13:00
    Place: Radisson Blue hotel, Tallinn (Rävala 3)
    Registration: open till October 9
    For registration click here to fill in the application

    Radisson Blu hotel Marek