
Luncheon with Estonian Prime Minister


Annual international chambers' meeting with the Prime Minister of Estonia. We have the pleasure to invite you to the meeting with Mr Jüri Ratas at Blackheads House, Pikk 26, Tallinn.  


Participation conditions Member's fee 40€ including lunch Non-member's fee 55€ including lunch  

Registration deadline August 30th via AmCham Estonia's homepage.

NB It is obligatory for a member to write "Member of the DECC" at the registration.


Luncheon with Estonian Prime Minister


  1. Mustpeade Maja - Website
  2. Street: Pikk 26
  3. ZIP: 10133
  4. City: TALLINN
  5. 2017-09-06 12:00:00 2017-09-06 00:00:00 Europe/Tallinn Luncheon with Estonian Prime Minister

    Annual international chambers' meeting with the Prime Minister of Estonia. We have the pleasure to invite you to the meeting with Mr Jüri Ratas at Blackheads House, Pikk 26, Tallinn.  


    Participation conditions Member's fee 40€ including lunch Non-member's fee 55€ including lunch  

    Registration deadline August 30th via AmCham Estonia's homepage.

    NB It is obligatory for a member to write "Member of the DECC" at the registration.


    Mustpeade Maja Marek
Mustpeade Maja