Foreign Chambers Golf Tournament 2017
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the 3rd Foreign Chambers' Golf Tournament!
14:00 First tee
19:30 Award ceremony and light dinner
Participation conditions
Participation fee 39€/ player includes participation, dinner, prize. Participation fee does NOT include green fee. For other clubs' playing right holders green fee is 55€.
Please register via FECC website until August 23, 2017.
Participating chambers: FECC, SCCE, DECC, AmCham, AHK, NECC

- Niitvälja Golf - Website 2017-08-29 14:00:00 2017-08-29 00:00:00 Europe/Tallinn Foreign Chambers Golf Tournament 2017
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the 3rd Foreign Chambers' Golf Tournament!
14:00 First tee
19:30 Award ceremony and light dinner
Participation conditions
Participation fee 39€/ player includes participation, dinner, prize. Participation fee does NOT include green fee. For other clubs' playing right holders green fee is 55€.
Please register via FECC website until August 23, 2017.
Participating chambers: FECC, SCCE, DECC, AmCham, AHK, NECC
Niitvälja Golf Marek