
DECC Annual General Meeting

03.03.2010 | 18:00
Mihkli hotel - Tallinn


Wednesday, March 3rd at 18:00-20:00
Mihkli hotel, Endla 23, Tallinn

Registration and refusals
DECC members FOC, non-members 200 EEK.

Agenda: elect council 2010, review 2009, overview on 2010 plans;
Treasure Hunt in Mihkli hotel, enjoying good Italian wine together with Brazilian meat.

Letter of power of attorney for the case one fails to participate in person.


  1. Mihkli hotel
  2. Street: Endla 23
  3. City: Tallinn
  4. 2010-03-03 18:00:00 2010-03-03 00:00:00 Europe/Tallinn DECC Annual General Meeting

    Wednesday, March 3rd at 18:00-20:00
    Mihkli hotel, Endla 23, Tallinn

    Registration and refusals
    DECC members FOC, non-members 200 EEK.

    Agenda: elect council 2010, review 2009, overview on 2010 plans;
    Treasure Hunt in Mihkli hotel, enjoying good Italian wine together with Brazilian meat.

    Letter of power of attorney for the case one fails to participate in person.

    Mihkli hotel Marek