
SEB Outlook business lunch

03.05.2016 | 12:00
Park Inn Radisson Meriton Hotell - TALLINN


SEB Nordic Outlook is here again. We welcome you to participate at the annual Eastern European outlook business lunch. We have booked 6 seats for DECC members. Registration fee 20€ inc VAT. Please register the soonest possible, but no later than April 29 at



  1. Park Inn Radisson Meriton Hotell - Website
  2. Street: Toompuiestee 27 / Paldiski mnt 4
  3. ZIP: 10149
  4. City: TALLINN
  5. 2016-05-03 12:00:00 2016-05-03 00:00:00 Europe/Tallinn SEB Outlook business lunch

    SEB Nordic Outlook is here again. We welcome you to participate at the annual Eastern European outlook business lunch. We have booked 6 seats for DECC members. Registration fee 20€ inc VAT. Please register the soonest possible, but no later than April 29 at


    Park Inn Radisson Meriton Hotell Marek