Annual General Meeting 2015
We're inviting all our members to the
Danish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce's annual general meeting
Register latest April 17 via weblink here
Monday, April 20
Radisson Blu Sky Hotel
Rävala 3, Tallinn
16:00-16:45 Greeting and introduction of agenda
- Welcome notes from Flemming Poulsen, CEO of Radisson BLU Sky Hotel
- Welcome notes from Marco Iovino, Chairman of the Council at DECC
- 2014 overview and financial report
- Introduction and election of council members 2015/2016
- Discussion of future plans
16:45-17:00 Estonian-Danish (trade) relations situation overview by H.E. Søren Kelstrup, Ambassador of Denmark to Estonia
16:45-17:30 official part is followed by networking, snacks & drinks
17:30-17:50 meeting with the next Estonian ambassador to Denmark, Mr Märt Volmer
17:50-19:00 management coaching seminar/workshop "It's lonely for a manager: are you ready to change that?", Mr Jens Christiansen
All member organizations and private members have 1 vote. Danish-style sandwich-buffet will be served (2 people from each member company free of charge, non-members 15€/prs, 25€ will be charged for no-shows, cancellations made 24h less prior to the event). In case you can not attend the AGM, please send a letter of attorney (template available from here). Also, we are expecting nominations for council members for the 2015/2016 term. Please send a photo accompanied by a max half A4 letter of introduction and motivation latest by April 13 to
The AGM will take place at the Seasons' restaurant on the ground floor. The event is expected to finish at 19:00 when everyone is welcomed to the Lounge 24 to indulge cocktails, enjoy jazz performance and view on the city. The Lounge24 Monday Night Jazz Club offers a live evening performance "à la française" by Susanna Aleksanda, Jaak Lutsoja and Tanel Liiberg. Entrance fee 6€. More information on "Esmaspäevaõhtune Jazziklubi". Radisson Blu Sky hotel also welcomes everyone to the Monday evening's salsa dance courses at Harry's New York Bar on the ground floor.
Register latest April 17 via weblink here.
- Radisson Blu Sky Hotel - Website
- Street: Rävala pst 3
- ZIP: 10143
- City: TALLINN 2015-04-20 16:00:00 2015-04-20 00:00:00 Europe/Tallinn Annual General Meeting 2015
- Welcome notes from Flemming Poulsen, CEO of Radisson BLU Sky Hotel
- Welcome notes from Marco Iovino, Chairman of the Council at DECC
- 2014 overview and financial report
- Introduction and election of council members 2015/2016
- Discussion of future plans
We're inviting all our members to the
Danish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce's annual general meeting
Register latest April 17 via weblink here
Monday, April 20
Radisson Blu Sky Hotel
Rävala 3, Tallinn
16:00-16:45 Greeting and introduction of agenda
16:45-17:00 Estonian-Danish (trade) relations situation overview by H.E. Søren Kelstrup, Ambassador of Denmark to Estonia
16:45-17:30 official part is followed by networking, snacks & drinks
17:30-17:50 meeting with the next Estonian ambassador to Denmark, Mr Märt Volmer
17:50-19:00 management coaching seminar/workshop "It's lonely for a manager: are you ready to change that?", Mr Jens Christiansen
All member organizations and private members have 1 vote. Danish-style sandwich-buffet will be served (2 people from each member company free of charge, non-members 15€/prs, 25€ will be charged for no-shows, cancellations made 24h less prior to the event). In case you can not attend the AGM, please send a letter of attorney (template available from here). Also, we are expecting nominations for council members for the 2015/2016 term. Please send a photo accompanied by a max half A4 letter of introduction and motivation latest by April 13 to
The AGM will take place at the Seasons' restaurant on the ground floor. The event is expected to finish at 19:00 when everyone is welcomed to the Lounge 24 to indulge cocktails, enjoy jazz performance and view on the city. The Lounge24 Monday Night Jazz Club offers a live evening performance "à la française" by Susanna Aleksanda, Jaak Lutsoja and Tanel Liiberg. Entrance fee 6€. More information on "Esmaspäevaõhtune Jazziklubi". Radisson Blu Sky hotel also welcomes everyone to the Monday evening's salsa dance courses at Harry's New York Bar on the ground floor.
Register latest April 17 via weblink here.
Radisson Blu Sky Hotel Marek
Radisson Blu creates iconic buildings with individual interiors invoking an inviting, exciting ambiance and offering a holistic hospitality experience that is totally relevant to now. Radisson Blu flagship properties can be found in prime locations, including major cities, airport gateways and leisure destinations around the world.Radisson Blu Hotels & Resorts, part of the Rezidor Hotel Group, currently operates more than 230 hotels worldwide, with another 51 projects under development. Radisson Blu is a first class full service hotel brand with key differentiators such as the 100% Guest Satisfaction Guarantee and the Yes I Can! spirit of service. Carlson, a privately held, global hospitality and travel company, based in Minneapolis (USA), is the majority shareholder of The Rezidor Hotel Group. Together, Carlson and Rezidor have hotels in more than 90 different countries, 1,070 hotels in operation and 240 hotels under development.