
Visit a member and discuss sales network creation in Scandinavia

25.03.2014 | 16:00
Boomerang Distribution OÜ - Loo alevik, Jõelähtme


Many have tried but have not succeeded to create a well-functioning sales network in Scandinavia. There are also companies that may have customers in one Scandinavian country, but not in another. How to be successful and what to take into consideration in different Scandinavian countries, this is exactly what we shall discuss at Boomerang Distribution.


One of our newest members, Boomerang Distribution is inviting members and friends of the DECC to come and visit their brand new premises as well as to discuss "How to create a sales network in Scandinavia?". Tom Backman, CEO of Boomerang Distribution has a long experience on how to set up sales network, get contracts for the company from Scandinavia. Boomerang Distribution's (est 2003) majority of customers are from Finland and Sweden. The portofolio of Estonian customers has always been an extra bonus to the existing Scandinavian customers.

The company has Swedish owenership and strongly believes that following the Swedish approach in quality, service and delivery times is a sign of warranty for the customers. Boomerang Distribution's main services: contractual packing, direct mailing, packing.


Let us find out how has a company reached to the level they are at now through organic growth of customer portofolio and new contracts. The event is free of charge for the members of the DECC, non-members are invited for a small fee 7€. Sign up latest March 20th via weblink here.


  1. Boomerang Distribution OÜ - Website
  2. Street: Aasa tee 1
  3. ZIP: 74201
  4. City: Loo alevik, Jõelähtme
  5. 2014-03-25 16:00:00 2014-03-25 00:00:00 Europe/Tallinn Visit a member and discuss sales network creation in Scandinavia

    Many have tried but have not succeeded to create a well-functioning sales network in Scandinavia. There are also companies that may have customers in one Scandinavian country, but not in another. How to be successful and what to take into consideration in different Scandinavian countries, this is exactly what we shall discuss at Boomerang Distribution.


    One of our newest members, Boomerang Distribution is inviting members and friends of the DECC to come and visit their brand new premises as well as to discuss "How to create a sales network in Scandinavia?". Tom Backman, CEO of Boomerang Distribution has a long experience on how to set up sales network, get contracts for the company from Scandinavia. Boomerang Distribution's (est 2003) majority of customers are from Finland and Sweden. The portofolio of Estonian customers has always been an extra bonus to the existing Scandinavian customers.

    The company has Swedish owenership and strongly believes that following the Swedish approach in quality, service and delivery times is a sign of warranty for the customers. Boomerang Distribution's main services: contractual packing, direct mailing, packing.


    Let us find out how has a company reached to the level they are at now through organic growth of customer portofolio and new contracts. The event is free of charge for the members of the DECC, non-members are invited for a small fee 7€. Sign up latest March 20th via weblink here.

    Boomerang Distribution OÜ Marek

Boomerang Distribution is one of the largest companies in contractual packing and direct advertisement in Scandinavia. Every year we pack more that 25 million items that are distributed to customers in Scandinavia and Central Europe. Boomerang Distribution has Swedish ownership and Swedish management on site in Estonia. We believe it is reassuring for our customers that we approach issues like quality, service and reliable delivery in the Swedish way. The company is situated in Tallinn, Estonia, which means that we can offer services at competitive prices. Estonia has a great advantage with its motivated and well educated labour force, low production costs and fast and well-developed transports to all Scandinavian countries. The company currently employs 125 people full-time and has a production space of 4000 square metres at its disposal. .