FICE, the Foreign Investors’ Council in Estonia, has a new board. At the council’s annual general meeting May 7th, Christian Rajalin (Vice-Chairman of the Finnish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce) was elected FICE Chairman, SCCE’s Chairman Karolina Ullman was elected Vice Chairman, and Marco Iovino (Chairman of the Danish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce) was elected Treasurer. FICE’s annual general meeting was held at the Finnish Embassy in Tallinn and the FICE delegation also got the opportunity to meet with Finland’s Ambassador to Estonia, Aleksi Härkönen.
With Finland and Sweden represented as Chairman and Vice Chairman in FICE it can be mentioned that in 2013, the two countries together represented almost half of all foreign direct investments in Estonia, with Sweden alone representing more than a quarter of the FDI’s (Sweden’s FDI share was 26,7% and Finland’s was 21,3% according to Eesti Pank’s statistics). DECC congratulates the newly elected FICE board members and wish them all the best in their work for the foreign investors in Estonia! More information on FICE is available at: