
Dear Members and Friends of our Chamber,

In order to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus on the Estonian economy and entrepreneurs, the Government of the Republic Estonia has developed a package of urgent economic measures. Please find below stimulus package decision translated in English, Russian, Finnish, Swedish, German and Norwegian languages. Please feel free to share that information to all your employees and customers.

Economic stimulus package ENGLISH
Economic stimulus package RUSSIAN
Economic stimulus package FINNISH
Economic stimulus package SWEDISH
Economic stimulus package GERMAN
Economic stimulus package NORWEGIAN

In addition please also read information regarding extraordinary residence permit application:
Extraordinary residence permit applications during national emergency situation
Persons covered by the specific application are:
  • Owners and board members who are directly involved in the executive management of the company operating in Estonia.
  • Owners who are in process of investment in the company established in Estonia.  Owners who require residence permit to execute all the necessary activities to complete the investment.
A special application is found at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Application feedback is provided within 24 hours. Further information available via this web link.
Erakorralistest elamisloa taotlustest riiklikus eriolukorras
Eritaotluse regulatsiooniga kaetud Isikute kategooriad on:
  • Omanikud ja juhatuseliikmed, kes otseselt osalevad ettevõtte juhtimises. Tihtipeale on on VKEde puhul olukord selline, kus omanikud osalevad operatiivselt ettevõtte juhtimises, neil on vaja osaleda ettevõtte igapäeva töös, selleks on vaja ligipääsu
  • Omanikud, kellel on pooleli investeeringud ettevõtte rajamises (ehitus, seadistamine jne) selleks, et kõik toimingud investeeringu käigus toimuksid õigeaegselt ja õigesti, on vaja omanikul väga sageli olla nn ehitusplatsil kohal ja omada ülevaadet toimuvast.
Eritaotlus tuleb esitada aadressil This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ja vastuse saab esimesel võimalusel, aga hiljemalt 24 h jooksul.
Täiendav info saadaval selle veebilingi kaudu.

Stay safe!

Anneli Vilu
General Manager
Danish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce
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